This page is for nephrologists in Victoria who need to order Medicare-funded genomic tests.
Find a laboratory

A pathology laboratory must be accredited by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) to offer exome or genome sequencing.
Find a clinical genetics service
If you would like to refer a patient to a clinical geneticist, you can find your local genetic services in Australia here.
Here are the order forms for two recommended laboratories.
The Royal Melbourne Hospital
Victorian Clinical Genetics Services
Clinicians at some hospitals can use the EPIC system to order tests.
- The Royal Children's Hospital: Cheat sheet for EPIC ordering
- The Royal Melbourne Hospital: Cheat sheet for EPIC ordering (to be published soon)
This handy checklist covers eligibility, patient consent and other steps to help nephrologists
order a genomic test.
Here are useful forms and fact sheets on patient consent and insurance.