Genomics in the Clinic, a blended learning course from Melbourne Genomics, is helping non-genetic medical specialists bring genomics into their practice.
The course combined self-directed online modules, open throughout May, and expert-led, case-based workshops in June, with 36 attending the paediatric workshop and 18 attendees in the adult workshop.
“We’re teaching complex genomic concepts to an audience whose primary practice is not genetics and genomics,” said Dr Fran Maher, Education Officer at Melbourne Genomics, and course lead.
Split across paediatric and adult clinical practice, each workshop had a dedicated team of expert clinical geneticists, genetic counsellors and medical specialists to walk participants through test selection, interpreting reports and clinical actions.
Participants described the course as “fantastic and well-pitched”, anticipating it would improve their clinical work. One participant remarked the course filled in a knowledge gap about different testing techniques and their uses, which was “the main deterrent for me to integrate genomic testing in my practice.”
As Dr Maher says: “The blended model has enabled us to extend what attendees have learned online and hold deeper discussions around clinical aspects of genomic testing, including consent and counselling.”
Prof David Amor, Lisette Curnow, Elly Lynch, Dr Sok Kun Tae, Yana Smagarinsky and Prof Martin Delatycki of the Victorian Clinical Genetics Services, A/Prof Cathy Quinlan of The Royal Children’s Hospital, Prof Paul James and Dr Mark Cleghorn of The Royal Melbourne Hospital and the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Dr Simon Bodek and Heather Chalinor of Austin Health, and Dr Kushani Jayasinghe of Monash Health co-led the workshops with the Melbourne Genomics education team.
This course is the first offering in an updated Genomics in the Clinic series of education events, aimed at upskilling non-genetic medical specialists in using genomic testing in their clinical practice.
Melbourne Genomics will be hosting several education opportunities for clinicians and scientists, in Melbourne and across Victoria. To stay in the loop, sign up to our newsletter below or visit our education events page.