Review new genomic practice
As new uses for genomics emerge, you can assess the evidence, costs, risks, benefits and impact for your hospital and your community.

Genomics has many uses in healthcare: from diagnosing a patient’s condition, to understanding what medication and what dosage will work, to pinpointing the source of an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection. Several types of genomic tests are now funded by government, while many more potential uses are being trialled.
Decisions about whether to offer a particular type of test should be balanced against your local genomics capability as well as potential risks, benefits, resourcing and impact. This webpage provides you with a sample methodology to make good decisions about new types of genomic care.
Reviewing new genomic practice is a key action in the Genomics and Your Hospital toolkit, which supports hospitals to plan and implement genomic care.
- Why is it important to review new genomic practice?
- Who should be part of the review of new genomic practice?
- Tool: Reviewing new genomic practice
- How was this tool developed?
Why is it important to review new genomic practice?
As new technologies and clinical practices evolve, there is a transition from their use within a controlled and monitored research framework to their adoption into mainstream healthcare settings.
Clinical governance is vital in this ‘mainstreaming’ phase. It can support and encourage innovation, while also ensuring that a new practice or technology is:
- Based on sound evidence
- Safe
- Cost-effective
- Able to be supported through organisational systems
- Able to be delivered by people with appropriate skills and qualifications
- Delivered with appropriate patient consent and engagement
A screening process can ensure critical elements are considered.
Who should be part of the review of new genomic practice?
You will need a multidisciplinary review panel with expertise in hospital leadership, genomics, risk management and relevant specialties. This will ideally be your hospital’s genomics leadership group.
Tool: Reviewing new genomic practice
This is a screening tool to guide decision-making about new genomic care in your hospital. It can be adapted locally as needed.
It is recommended that the tool is completed by a clinician or department, and then reviewed by the genomics leadership group, new technology committee or similar.
How was this tool developed?
This tool draws on principles of new technology review processes, which have been refined for the unique features of genomic care.
It was developed as part of the Genomics and Your Hospital toolkit by the Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance, with ongoing input from Victorian healthcare leaders.
Using an iterative, codesign approach, these tools were drafted and reviewed with members from the Melbourne Genomics Professional Governance Working Group and Quality Working Group. The tools were tested with hospitals to assess their usefulness and utility, and refined over time.
The toolkit remains a living resource that will evolve as genomics becomes more widely integrated into routine care.
© MGHA 2024. These materials were prepared by the Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance (MGHA) and are protected by copyright. We would like to acknowledge the expertise and knowledge of those who have contributed to the development of these materials. Reproduction or distribution of these materials without this notice is prohibited.