First-of-its-kind chatbot developed to support genetic counselling

Scientists at CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, in partnership with Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance, have developed an Australian-first digital conversation agent (a ‘chatbot’) that could support patients in making…

Funding boost for genomic medicine will improve care for Victorians

More Victorians will benefit from quicker and more accurate diagnosis – and more precise and efficient treatment – thanks to new funding in the 2020-21 Victorian State Budget. The Victorian Government will provide more than $35…

New study models cost of additional genomic findings

First-of-its-kind health economic modelling, auspiced by Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance and recently published, analysed the cost of delivering ‘additional’ genomic findings to patients in routine care. Testing for ‘…

Continuing genomic education (remotely)

Like many of us this year, Melbourne Genomics’ highly popular Genomics in the clinic workshops have moved online. The most recent workshop, Genomics in endocrinology and metabolic medicine, was delivered completely online in…

Celebrating the importance of genetic counselling in patient care

The future of healthcare is personalised, and genetic counsellors are at the forefront of this evolution. In honour of the upcoming Genetic Counsellor Awareness Day, we spoke to Anna Jarmolowicz – an associate genetic counsellor…

GenoVic security assessed as best practice, develops cyber security strategy

GenoVic – the Alliance’s shared clinical system for genomics – recently underwent its latest annual independent security review. Focused on GenoVic’s cloud-based hosting environment, the review confirmed that the system conforms…

GenoVic a finalist in iAwards

Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance’s shared clinical system for genomics, GenoVic, has been recognised as a Finalist in the 2020 Victorian iAwards. Hosted by the Australian Information Industry Association, the iAwards are…

Genomic testing leads to better diagnosis and care for patients with genetic kidney disease

A Melbourne Genomics study published this week has found that genomic testing for patients with suspected genetic kidney disease leads to more definitive diagnosis and has a substantial, quantifiable impact on care. Lead authors…

Genomics means better, quicker diagnosis and far fewer invasive tests for children with complex conditions

A Melbourne Genomics study published this week demonstrates that genomic testing as a first-line test doubles the number of children diagnosed with complex conditions and drastically reduces the number of invasive tests these…

New genomics learning hub

The Melbourne Genomics team developing and deploying professional education activities continues to deliver remotely. Our dedicated learning website, learn-genomics is now home to a variety of free online resources for health…


We could talk genomics all day, but we’ll send you only what’s useful and interesting.

Melbourne Genomics acknowledges the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation, on whose lands we work, and all First Nations peoples across Victoria. We pay respect to Elders past and present. We also acknowledge the First Nations health professionals, researchers and leaders who are shaping the future of genomic medicine.

© 2014–2024 Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance